Oskar Jakobsen
1986, The School of Sculpture Charlottenborg Billedhuggerskolen Charlottenborg http://oskaroskar.com
Intelligo, 2017
Data-infused pink oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus djamor), aluminium, stainless steel, electronics, power cables, humidifier, PVC tubing, LED strip lights, ethernet cables, LED display panel, refrigerator, PE food containers
Special thanks to Rine Rodin and Simon Rasmussen.
Intelligo, 2017
Datainfuserede pink østershatte, (Pleurotus djamor), aluminium, rustfrit stål, elektronik, ledninger, luftfugter, PVC slange, LED lys, ethernetkabler, LED diplay, køleskab, PE madbeholdere
Stort tak til Rine Rodin og Simon Rasmussen.